VistaScan Mini Easy 2.0

VistaScan Mini Easy 2.0

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The benefit for scanning: Easy from now on!
VistaScan Mini Easy 2.0 image plate scanner

As a compact solution with excellent image quality, the VistaScan Mini Easy performs reliably in
numerous practices. With an extensive update, the image plate scanner now gains several helpful
features. While the wellknown strengths of the device remain, the engineers at Dürr Dental
managed to take another step forward in hardware and software. For example, artificial
intelligence (AI) facilitates intraoral Xrays. In addition, the scanning unit has been optimised so
that all intraoral image plate sizes can now be scanned.

The VistaSoft package included in the scope of delivery ensures an even more optimised
scanning process on the software side and a timesaving workflow thanks to AI. Images are
rotated correctly, wrongside exposures are detected and the quality of the image plates is
continuously checked everything automatic, everything easy!

These advantages apply not only to all intraoral image plate sizes (S0S4), they can also be used
extremely quickly. Thanks to the Easy Feed concept, loading is pleasantly fast. Furthermore, the
new glass colour display provides the user with additional information and enables intuitive
handling. With these and other innovations, the VistaScan Mini Easy 2.0 makes intraoral Xrays
more efficient and easier for a comfortable workflow that the practice team is happy to rely

Probably more important than ever: In addition to new features and handling advantages, the
VistaScan Mini Easy 2.0 also convinces when it comes to sustainability. For instance, the power
consumption of the Dürr Dental has been reduced by around 30 per cent compared to the
predecessor model. Furthermore, production of the image plate scanner will be CO2neutral in
the near future.